Discussing Nissan’s Recovery and Recycling Progress for FY2012

May 5th, 2013 by

For the last fiscal year which extends from April 2012 to March 2013, Nissan has been compiling the data is collects in regards to its recycling and recovery efforts in Japan.Specifically, stringent recycling laws put in place by Nissan’s home country set expectations about how end-of-life vehicles or ELVs should be handled. This means that there are target recovery rates set for such materials as: airbag-products, Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR) and fluorocarbons.For example, by fiscal year 2015 (FY2015) the ASR recovery rate is set at 70 percent and the recovery rate for the airbag components set at 85 percent.So, how did Nissan do? Ron Sayer Nissan has the breakdown:Automobile Shredder Residue: Nissan recovered 114,516.3 tons from 119,175.2 tons of ELVs: this amounts to a recovery ratio of 96.1 percent.Airbag-related products: Nissan recovered 1,549,317 airbag materials from 450,755 vehicles via recovery processing and on-board deployment operations for a recovery ratio of 93.8 percent.ELVs (actual value): the recovery ratio for the actual value of EVLs was 99.3 percent.Fluorocarbons: A total of 145,455.873 kg from 493,417 vehicles processed.As you can see, Nissan is making great strides for Japan’s recycling and recovery initiatives, besting the mandated recovery ratios for ASR, airbag-related products and ELVs. If you’d like to follow along with more updates about its progress, then we encourage you to subscribe to the Ron Sayer Nissan blog using your RSS feed.And, if you’d like information about how Nissan keeps up with the green initiative right here in the U.S., we invite you to stop by 1175 N. Woodruff Ave. in Idaho Falls, ID to check out the Nissan LEAF and other eco-friendly new Nissan models.
Source: blog

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