Dominate the road with the 2014 Nissan Rogue
As exciting as it is to be able to check into your Facebook account with the 2014 Nissan Rogue, by no means is it the only reason we’re so fond of this new addition to our lineup. Because with the winter we’ve had here at Ron Sayer Nissan, it’s been a downright lifesaver in more ways than one.Now, if you have yet to experience the Rogue for yourself, we’d be more than happy to help you amend that situation with a test drive at our dealership. And with an available All-Wheel Drive system at your disposal, something tells us you won’t be disappointed.Want to learn more? Then go right ahead and watch the video below.Of if you’d like to get a more complete picture of everything the Rogue has to offer, the experts in our car parts department will gladly give you the scoop here in Idaho Falls, ID, just outside of Pocatello. Take it from us: you’ve got a lot to look forward to.
Source: blog
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