Three Year Check-In Reveals First LEAF Owner Remains Satisfied
It seems hard for us to believe that it’s been almost three whole years since the first-ever Nissan LEAF was driven off a U.S. lot, back in December of 2010. In the short time, the automaker’s premier electric vehicle has become a popular selection for drivers in the Rexburg, ID area and beyond.But you don’t need to take Ron Sayer Nissan’s word for it as the sales figures for the LEAF EV speak for itself with over 35,000 models roaming around the fifty states.Let’s go back to that first Nissan LEAF model and introduce you to Olivier Chalouhi, the owner of the first ground-breaking model in the U.S. Chalouhi was originally attracted to the LEAF not only for its eco-friendly powertrain, but also for its ability for him to haul his wife and three children around with him with ease.As it turns out, Chalouhi still has the same the black LEAF SL in his driveway and has remained completely satisfied with the model’s 30,000 miles they’ve shared together. He is also pleased with the EV’s consistent driving ability and impressive 73-mile driving range. It also helps that with the growing number of electric cars in the U.S., the availability of charging stations has skyrocketed and he never finds himself not powered up and ready to go on a road trip with his family.If you’re interested in learning more about the LEAF or another new Nissan model, stop by our Idaho Falls, ID showroom, conveniently located at 1175 North Woodruff Avenue, today.
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